Well it took a serious event to get me to blog again. Our website got hacked!! A person that had toured the home pointed someone in their family to our website and they happened to look in the "forums" area. Note the forums are gone now. What a suprise!! Someone, (probably a bot)had been posting porn materials for four months.
It really is amazing how people with technical knowledge can work their way into seemingly secure areas. Often what we think is secure is certainly not. Makes you wonder if they have so much technical knowledge, why aren't they working making big bucks in an IT department somewhere. Why waste that talent on stupid stuff? Is there money in that somehow?
Much bigger questions than I can answer. I just want to say we are sorry if anyone was offended by the brief encounter with the dark side of the information age. we will try to prevent this from happening but I'm sure someone is also trying to find new ways into the system.
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