Well, NY admits again that it is in serious financial problems. NY Governor David Patterson is expressing the problems very well in his 2010-2011 budget address. Here is a link to the video
If you have any trouble with this, let me know.
It is pretty clear that 2010 - 2011 is going to be very rough for healthcare and any other programs depending on government funding. I tell my staff that the sky is not falling, but it's very cloudy. This impacts facilities statewide not just ours. We are unique in that we are a small rural upstate facility with a high Medicaid resident population. We serve an area that is not wealthy and we will continue to serve the local area even when the support system is weakened. Any ideas on how to provide reward and incentive to a hard working and caring staff while funding from the primary sources are falling would be appreciated.
Meanwhile.... we will do the best we can with what we have.